The Other Side of the Tree Line: Brandon Mundell
The Other Side of the Tree Line: Brandon Mundell
Clarissa Poston interviews Brandon Mundell, Owner of Toys Forever Models & Hobbies
As seen in the Spring 2023 issue of Park Pilot.
The Quasar
The Quasar
A perfect club project from kit or scratch, this aircraft is a winner
Greg Gimlick | [email protected] | Photos by Greg Gimlick
As seen in the Fall 2023 issue of Park Pilot
Goodbye, Park Pilot!
Build the Blue Moon 2.0
Have you ever wanted to build a simple RC airplane that is easy to transport, doesn’t require much space to fly, and handles great?
Clarissa Poston Interviews Rob Kurek
Rob Kurek, AMA’s Director of Communications, discusses his role in the launch of Park Pilot magazine
Clarissa Poston Interviews Rachelle Haughn
Rachelle Haughn, former copy editor/staff writer for Park Pilot magazine and current AMA Foundation Donor & Programs Specialist, discusses her role in Park Pilot’s 15-year publication
Clarissa Poston Interviews Jeff Troy
Jeff Troy, former editor-in-chief and “Model Builder” columnist for Park Pilot magazine, shares his experiences with launching, editing, and writing for Park Pilot
E-flite Eratix 3D FF
E-flite Eratix 3D FF
Mild or wild pilots wanted
By Ron Hull | [email protected]
Photos by Ron Hull
As seen in the Summer 2023 issue of Park Pilot.
Rock Crawler
Sometimes in the RC hobby, you just have to try something because the fun factor is undeniable. What if I told you that you could try a 1/24-scale crawler truck or buggy (Photo 01) for little to no investment?
How to Replace Servo Gears
By Terry Dunn | [email protected] | Photos by Terry Dunn
The servos that we use to control our RC models are amazingly resilient little gadgets. Many of us abuse our servos without mercy, yet failures are rare. Most of the breakages that happen can be traced to a crash or some other unplanned shock load that causes the servo’s internal gears to strip.
Choosing Your First Radio
Choosing Your First Radio
Tips to help you make an informed decision
Greg Gimlick | [email protected] | Photos by Greg Gimlick
UAS4STEM: Paving the way for future aviation professionals
There is a critical need in the US for turnkey programs that introduce aviation during the discovery phase of learning. These programs must inspire a love of
aviation and its associated fields of study/employment.
Introductory Pilot Program, Action Plan One
Introductory Pilot Program,
Action Plan One
By Joel Brumley
[email protected]
As seen in the Summer 2022 issue of Park Pilot.
Camp AMA 2022
By Kyle Jaracz | [email protected]
Photos by Matt Ruddick and Kyle Jaracz
As seen in the Summer 2022 issue of Park Pilot.
The Other Side of the Tree Line: Chuck Imbergamo
Rachelle Haughn interviews Chuck Imbergamo
about Peck-Polymers’ golden anniversary
Rachelle Haughn | [email protected]
Rachelle Haughn interviews Ryan Lindsay Lessard, The World Games 2022 pilot
Rachelle Haughn interviews Ryan Lindsay Lessard, The World Games 2022 pilot
As seen in the Summer 2022 issue of Park Pilot.
Wing warping and bowing
Rachelle Haughn interviews Model aircraft designer Dave Platt
Written by Rachelle Haughn
The Other Side of the Tree Line: Rachelle Haughn interviews Dick Dave Platt
As seen in the Summer 2020 issue of Park Pilot
The challenges of indoor flying
>> As I write this column, New Jersey, and much of the US, is experiencing a very cold spell. It is the time of year when I do the most indoor flying and attend indoor events.